
The third place in the National rating of special economic zones of Russia
Sergey Galkin, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia, spoke about the results of the National rating of special economic zones in Russia. The event was also attended by Andrey Shpilenko, CEO of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and Special Economic Zones of Russia.
#News of SEZ

Lipetsk region delegation in traineeship of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
A two-day training course of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for the regions of the Central Federal District started under the program "Federal Practice". The Lipetsk region is represented by Eugenia Loktionova, the head of investments and innovation of the region, Konstantin Kunaev, the head of the innovative activities development department, Alexander Bazaev, the director of the investment development agency, Andrei Ryaskov, the director of MBI "Technopark Lipetsk" and Dmitry Nikitin, the director of the industry development fund of the Lipetsk region.
#News of SEZ

Association of Industrial Parks of Russia opened a series of Christmas and New Year celebrations
The Association of Industrial Parks of Russia launched a series of Christmas and New Year's festivities, summarizing the results of the 2021 business season. One of the first events was the Winter Meeting.
#News of SEZ

A customs post subdivision opened at the Elets site of SEZ "Lipetsk"
The new customs post subdivision was opened at the initiative and with the support of the Lipetsk region administration. Its opening was timed to coincide with the five-year anniversary of the Elets site, celebrated this year. "Creating a comfortable administrative environment for the residents of the special economic zone "Lipetsk" is an important goal in our work with investors", – said the head of the region Igor Artamonov.
#News of SEZ

Alexander Bazaev as a speaker at the meeting of the NAAIR expert platform on “Logistics”
The key issue discussed at the online meeting was the current trend of storage real estate market in Russia in the regional context. The participants also discussed growing demand and promising areas of transport and logistics infrastructure for different types of commercial real estate.
#News of SEZ

Roman Petrukhin and Andreas F. Bitzi
A cooperation agreement was signed between the management company of the SEZ and the consulting agency "Quality Partners".
#News of SEZ

The selection of canteen tenants at SEZ Lipetsk
In connection with the upcoming selection of the canteen premises lessee in the SEZ "Lipetsk" business center, we invite to cooperation companies providing corporate catering services.
#News of SEZ

Roman Petrukhin in an interview promoting the New Year charity marathon
Roman Petrukhin took part in shooting an interview as part of the promotion of the New Year charity marathon "Together We Do Good", conducted in the Lipetsk region for eight years. The marathon is aimed at supporting seriously ill children.
#News of SEZ

Alexander Bazaev at the Russian-German Industry Forum 2021
Alexander Bazaev and his deputy, Elena Sushkova, took part in the Russian-German Industry Forum 2021 "Transition of the Russian Economy to a New Technological Stage”.
#News of SEZ

Roman Petrukhin became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Educational Development in Lipetsk region
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Lipetsk Institute of Educational Development was held in the regional administration. The “Strategy School” center (created by the Institute) is engaged in the development and organization of educational programs in such areas as "Science", "Art", "Sport"; it conducts Olympiads, intellectual, creative and sports competitions; develops a partner network to support gifted children and youth. The meeting participants reviewed the key areas of the "Strategy School", the criteria for selecting students and teachers and also approved the work plan of the Board of Trustees for the current academic year. During the meeting, the leaders of the center discussed the possibilities of organizing practical lessons at regional enterprises for the “Strategy School” students and enlisted the support of Roman Petrukhin, the SEZ Lipetsk General Director, in developing and carrying out such events. "I am honored to become a member of the Board of Trustees for the development of education. Children are our investment in the future. I am sure that my colleagues and I are ready to offer various forms of interaction using the accumulated positive experience of work of educational institutions with the special economic zone residents," - said Roman Petrukhin.
#News of SEZ

Lipetsk region in the top five regions of the investment rating according to the Central Federal District Investment Council
Leaders of the investment rating among the regions were named at CFD investment Council: besides Moscow and Moscow region, there are Tula, Kaluga and Lipetsk regions. The news was reported by TASS on Friday in the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian President in the Central Federal District.
#News of SEZ

SEZ "Lipetsk" General Director took part in the IX Moscow International Chemical Forum
Together with the Expocenter, the Institute of Technical and Economic Research in the Chemical Complex (NIITEKHIM) organized the round table "Chemical industry in the regions of Russia: situation and prospects". The event was moderated by Leonid Freiman, the Deputy Executive Director of the Russian Chemists Union, who pointed out that the chemical industry is one of the drivers for the development of the entire Russian industry, taking in consideration that there are chemical enterprises in all federal districts. According to him, over the past year the growth of the chemical industry amounted to almost 7%, while all the other manufacturing industries slightly went down. The share of chemical production in the manufacturing industry is also increasing, reaching now about 10%.
#News of SEZ