Russian Prime-Minister signs the Government Resolution on expanding Lipetsk SEZ area
Lipetsk Special Economic Zone widely acknowledged as one the most efficient in the country now hosts over 40 tenants from 13 states. The volume of declared private investments exceeds 130RUB bn., the number of the new jobs has reached 3000 by now. Resident companies have produced goods worth of 30RUB bn.
#News of SEZ
Up and running. A new plant has been launched in Lipetsk SEZ on 30 June 2015 to manufacture low-voltage enclosures.
On 30 June 2015 ABB Group celebrated its new plant opening in Lipetsk Special Economic Zone designed for production of switchgears and low-voltage enclosures.
#News of SEZ
Управляющая компания ОЭЗ «Липецк» получила диплом номинанта конкурса «Премия развития-2015»
#News of SEZ