
Коллектив особой экономической зоны «Липецк» поздравил воспитанников подшефной школы-интерната с Днем знаний
#News of SEZ

В Липецкой области планируется реализовать проект по производству медицинских расходных материалов
#News of SEZ

On 16 July 2015 a groundbreaking ceremony took place for a Lifan car plant in Lipetsk SEZ
The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of Economy Alexander Tsybulskiy, Plenipotentiary Minister and Counselor of Chinese on economic issues Embassy to Russia Mr. Zhan Di, Chairperson of Association Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia Association Ms. Tsai Gouzhou, Head of the Committee for Foreign Trade Promotion in China Mr. Sui Tszinly, Vice-President of Lifan Mr. Mu Gang, Governor of Lipetsk Region Mr. Oleg Korolev, CEO of Lipetsk SEZ Managing Company Mr. Ivan Koshelev.
#News of SEZ

Russian Prime-Minister signs the Government Resolution on expanding Lipetsk SEZ area
Lipetsk Special Economic Zone widely acknowledged as one the most efficient in the country now hosts over 40 tenants from 13 states. The volume of declared private investments exceeds 130RUB bn., the number of the new jobs has reached 3000 by now. Resident companies have produced goods worth of 30RUB bn.
#News of SEZ