
Deputy Minister of Industry Dmitriy Ovsyannokov visited Lipetsk Special Economic Zone
Dmitriy Ovsyannikov, Deputy Minister of Industry, chaired the plenary session at the Lipetsk annual “Industry&Innovations” Forum on March 16, 2016.
#News of SEZ

PPG Industries Lipetsk fully refurbishes gym at local children’s care home
On March 9th 2016 the children’s care home in the town of Gryazy celebrated reopening of its gym after a complete make-over which was a courtesy from the Lipetsk SEZ tenant company – PPG Industries Lipetsk.
#News of SEZ

Yokohama R.P.Z. awarded Honourary Certificate of a Trustworthy Employer
On February 10th 2016 the acting chief of Lipetsk State Department of Labour Inspection Irina Kireychikova together with Lipetsk CCI President Anatoliy Goltsov and Lipetsk SEZ JSC General Manager Ivan Koshelev laid the Certificate into the hands of Mr. Shigeru Nakano, Yokohama R.P.Z. CEO.
#News of SEZ

ABB launches celebrations for 125-year anniversary with Allegra train bearing historical ABB highlights
2016-01-14 - This year ABB celebrates its 125th anniversary in Switzerland and will mark the anniversary with a number of events in Switzerland and around the world. To kick off the anniversary year an Allegra train from the Rhaetian Railway (RhB), already equipped with ABB's innovative traction and regenerative braking systems, has been decorated to show a visual timeline of ABB’s pioneering history in Switzerland and throughout the world.
#News of SEZ