
The Lipetsk SEZ is among the leaders of the ranking of the Research Financial Institute among the zones
The methods and regulations for assessing the effectiveness of special economic zones of the Russian Federation, developed by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation was discussed in the Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (NIFI of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation).
#News of SEZ

Digitalization in industrial zones and SEZs of Russia was discussed at the Lipetsk SEZ.
Digitalization in industrial zones and SEZs of Russia was discussed at the Lipetsk SEZ. The Lipetsk Special Economic Zone has become a meeting place for representatives of the Association of European Businesses and members of the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia. The participants of the business dialogue dedicated to the digitalization of industrial parks and SEZs discussed new trends and standards in the field of industrial construction, new software, modern requirements for infrastructure management on the part of investors.
#News of SEZ

The catalog – a single structured database – is designed to provide wide access to goods and services that are produced by residents of special economic zones.
#News of SEZ

The Industrial Development Fund held an online conference on the topic "Tools for supporting industrial enterprises»
The SEZ "Lipetsk" was the initiator of the video conference. Victoria Volkova, Head of the Industrial Policy Instruments Department of the Industrial Development Fund, Shushanik Marchenko, Head of the SPIC and Localization Department of the FRP, and Dmitry Nikitin, Director of the Lipetsk Region Industrial Development Fund, were at the role of the invited experts.
#News of SEZ

Quality Day is a holiday that allows you to thank the Russian manufacturer exactly for the quality.
World Quality Day, which was established in 1989 on the initiative of the European Quality Organization and supported by the United Nations is celebrated every year, on the second Thursday in November. Traditionally, business events are held within the framework of the World Quality Day celebration, which emphasize the importance of continuous improvement of the quality of products and services for the sustainable development of society and the state. In 2020, the main national business event in the world of quality was the online forum "World Quality Day-2020", organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Roskachestvo, Rosstandart, Rosaccreditation.
#News of SEZ

The first place in the investment rating of regional activity for October 2020 is occupied by the Lipetsk region
The investment rating of regional activity for October 2020 has been published on the official website of the Invest-Foresight magazine. Lipetsk region took the first place.
#News of SEZ

The first place in the investment rating of regional activity for October 2020 is occupied by the Lipetsk
XV National Congress "Modernization of Russian Industry: Development priorities" is being held at this time in the GC "President-Hotel" in Moscow. The Congress is an authoritative annual platform for an open dialogue between entrepreneurs, government officials and the scientific community. The purpose of the event is the effective interaction of business and government, the formation of a development program taking into kaccount the interests of all parties, the formation of long-term partnerships.
#News of SEZ

Anna Smolyaninova has been appointed on a post of Deputy General Director – Director of the Center
Anna Smolyaninova graduated from Lipetsk State Technical University in 2003 with a degree in Management, then in 2006 graduated from the Griboyedov Institute of International Law and Economics with a degree in Jurisprudence.
#News of SEZ

The resident of the SEZ "Lipetsk", the Company TCC presented the village Novy Olshanets with a new modern playground
A new gaming complex worths 1.4 million rubles. It was built by the company "TKK" LLC for the residents of the village of Novy Olshanets in the Eletsky District.
#News of SEZ

“OOO SEST LU-VE Russia”, a production company of the Italian company LU-VE GROUP
The company "SEST-LUVE", a resident of the SEZ "Lipetsk", started the production of air condensates and draycoolers of LU-VE with a length of up to 13.5 meters. It is a serious step towards import substitution of foreign products, which will create more than 30 additional to the already 250 existing ones.
#News of SEZ

Dmitry Dudarev, General Director of the Lipetsk SEZ, made a speech at the conference about economic transformation
Dmitry Dudarev was one of the speakers at the conference " New points of economic growth: how the transformation of the economy will affect the localization of enterprises".
#News of SEZ

Lipetsk orders pizza: Italian investors can supplement the local SEZ with projects worth 2 billion rubles
Kommersant-Chernozemye found out about of the participants of three Italian investment projects in the Lipetsk SEZ with a total cost of about 2 billion rubles, which were announced yesterday in the regional administration. Euro Group SpA is planning to build factory of components for electric motors and generators. Unionsped and San Marco can build furniture fittings and frozen pizza production facilities.
#News of SEZ